1. General Provisions
M.I.Tech (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") actively protects the personal information of data subjects and
ensures their rights and interests in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act.
This Privacy Policy has been established and implemented to smoothly address any concerns related to personal information.
The policy may be subject to change based on relevant laws, guidelines, or internal operational policies of the company.
Any changes to this policy will be disclosed in accordance with applicable legal requirements.
This Privacy Policy takes effect on March 1, 2025, and includes the following:
General Provisions
• Purpose of Personal Information Processing and Items Collected
• Retention and Disposal of Personal Information
• Rights and Obligations of Data Subjects and How to Exercise Them
• Rights of Legal Guardians of Children Under 14
• Measures to Ensure Security of Personal Information
• Collection of Opinions and Complaint Handling
2. Purpose of Personal Information Processing and Items Collected
[General Personal Information]
1. Required Information
• Items Collected: Name, Email, Mobile Number, Company Name
• Purpose: Service provision, customer management, sales, and marketing
• Automated Email Subscription: Used for notifications, guidance, and marketing
2. Optional Information
• Items Collected: Industry, Job Title, Address, Role, Company Phone Number
• Purpose: Service provision, customer management, sales, and marketing
3. Retention and Disposal of Personal Information
A. Retention Period
The company will promptly dispose of personal information once its purpose has been fulfilled.
However, personal information may be retained under specific legal provisions or when the data subject has provided prior consent.
B. Disposal of Personal Information
1. The company ensures that personal information is irreversibly destroyed.
2. If the company is required to retain personal information instead of disposing of it, it will store and manage the information separately.
3. If personal information is in electronic format, it is permanently deleted in a way that prevents recovery. If stored in physical form, it will be shredded or incinerated.
4. Rights and Obligations of Data Subjects and How to Exercise Them
A. Right to Access Personal Information
1. Data subjects can request access to their personal information. Requests must be submitted through a Personal Information Access Request Form or by providing proof of identity via email.
2. The company will grant access within 10 days of the request unless a legitimate reason for delay exists.
3. Access may be restricted if:
o Disclosure is prohibited by law.
o It could harm another person’s rights, such as their life, property, or other interests.
B. Request for Correction or Deletion
1. Data subjects can request corrections or deletions of their personal information by submitting a Personal Information Correction/Deletion Request Form or providing proof of identity.
2. The company will review the request within 10 days and inform the data subject of the actions taken. If deletion is denied due to legal reasons, the data subject will be notified accordingly.
3. When personal information is deleted, it is permanently removed to prevent recovery.
C. Request for Suspension of Processing
1. Data subjects may request to suspend the processing of their personal information.
2. The company may deny the request if:
o It is legally required to process the information.
o Suspension could harm another person’s rights.
o It is necessary for fulfilling a contract, and the data subject has not explicitly requested contract termination.
3. The company will act on processing suspension requests within 10 days and inform the data subject accordingly.
D. How to Exercise Rights
1. Requests for access, correction, deletion, or processing suspension may be made by the data subject or their legal representative.
2. A processing fee may be charged for these requests.
3. The company retains request records for 90 days before disposal.
5. Rights of Legal Guardians of Children Under 14
The legal guardian of a child under 14 years old has the right to request access, correction, deletion, or suspension of processing of the child's personal information.
6. Measures to Ensure Security of Personal Information
A. Internal Management Plan
The company implements the following internal management measures to safeguard personal information:
1. Designation of a Personal Information Manager
2. Responsibilities and roles of personnel handling personal information
3. Security measures for protecting personal data
4. Training for personnel handling personal information
B. Access Control and Permission Restrictions
1. The company grants system access only to authorized personnel based on job responsibilities.
2. When personnel change roles or leave the company, access is modified or revoked immediately.
3. Password regulations are in place to prevent unauthorized access.
C. Encryption and Secure Transmission
1. Unique identifiers and passwords are encrypted before transmission.
2. Passwords are stored using one-way encryption to prevent recovery.
D. Monitoring and Prevention of Security Breaches
1. The company securely stores logs of personnel access to personal data to prevent tampering or leaks.
E. Security Software Implementation
The company employs security software such as anti-virus programs and ensures:
1. Automatic updates or at least one manual update per day
2. Immediate application of security patches when vulnerabilities are identified
F. Physical Security Measures
1. Personal information is stored in designated, restricted-access facilities.
2. Documents containing personal information are stored in secure locations with locking mechanisms.
7. Collection of Opinions and Complaint Handling
Data subjects may submit any privacy-related complaints to the Personal Information Manager or the designated department. The company will promptly respond and address such concerns.
[Personal Information Manager]
Name: Byeung-gyu Park
Phone: +82-010-4304-7443
Email: bgpark@mitech.co.kr
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비혈관 스텐트 분야 국내 1위 기업인 엠아이텍이 담석증 담도암 췌장암 등으로 담즙 흐름이 막힐 때 쓰이는 ‘멀티홀 스텐트’를 통해 일본 시장에서 ‘1위 굳히기’에 나섰다.
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엠아이텍은 세계 최초로 개발한 ‘멀티홀 스텐트’ 판매에 주력하고 있다. 멀티홀 스텐트는 협착된 담관 사이에 끼워 담즙이 원활하게 흐르도록 해준다. 기존 피막형 담관 스텐트에 1.8㎜ 구멍을 일자로 뚫어 담즙 배출이 더 잘되고 스텐트가 병변부에 잘 고정되는 장점이 있다. 판매량은 2022년 500개에서 작년 약 1700개로 1년 만에 3배 이상 늘었다. 내년에는 더 얇은 멀티홀 스텐트를 선보일 예정이다. 의료진의 시술 편의성이 높아지고 기존 스텐트가 들어가기 어려운 좁은 담관에도 삽입이 가능하다고 회사는 설명했다.
엠아이텍은 개발 중인 생분해성 비혈관 스텐트 임상에도 박차를 가할 방침이다. 기존 스텐트는 금속 또는 플라스틱으로 만들어져 체내에 그대로 남아 있기 때문에 향후 수술과 추가 시술을 통해 제거해야 한다. 하지만 생분해성 스텐트는 고분자 소재로 만들어져 추가 시술 없이도 몸속에서 분해된다. 향후 약물이 녹아 나오는 약물 방출 생분해성 소화기 스텐트로 제품을 넓혀나갈 것으로 전망된다. 회사 측은 “장기적으로 기관지·비뇨기과용·동물용 스텐트로 영역을 확대해가겠다”고 밝혔다.